
Buying Why Buyer Representation Should Matter So Much to Sellers SOURCE: Windermere In today’s rapidly changing real estate landscape, understanding the critical role of buyer representation has never been more essential for home sellers. With the pending NAR settlement on the horizon, many sellers may not fully grasp the significant impact these changes will have on their transactions. The urgency to adapt is real, and […]
Selling Understanding Contingent Offers: A Seller’s Guide SOURCE: Windermere Whether you’ve listed multiple homes or you’re a first-time home seller, you’ve likely come across the word “contingent” before. Contingent home sales, though very common, aren’t as simple as a real estate transaction without them. With contingencies, there are additional factors at play and added criteria that need to be met for the deal […]
Selling Seven Steps to Yard Sale Success SOURCE: Windermere As you prepare to sell your house and move to a new one, you may be taking a fresh look at your belongings. You might be wondering how they’ll work in the new home or if you’ll need to upgrade to new ones. If you’re staging your current home and need to declutter, […]
Selling 10 Costs Associated with Selling Your Home SOURCE: Windermere Selling a home is an exciting time for homeowners. Once you and your household have decided that you’ll hit the market, it’s easy to think solely about the revenue that comes with the sale. However, selling a home comes with its own set of costs. Knowing what these costs are will help you […]
Selling What Is Fair Market Value (FMV) in Real Estate? SOURCE: Windermere You know your home is a valuable asset, but what is it actually worth? One of the most important figures to understand as you get ready to sell your home is Fair Market Value (FMV); it is key to a successful home sale. We’ll break down what Fair Market Value is and why […]
Selling How to Research Home Prices Before Selling Your Home Thinking about selling your home? You’ve likely got a thousand questions swimming around in your head, but there’s one that tends to stick out in homeowners’ minds above the others: What’s my home worth? Your real estate agent will be your greatest resource in answering this question once you’ve decided you’re ready to sell your home, […]
Selling Selling Your Home: 5 Common Myths Selling your home is a crash course in real estate education. You’ll learn how to work with your real estate agent to find a buyer and sell at the right price. As you prepare to sell, it’s important to remember that that not everything you’ve heard is true. There are several common myths that can […]
Selling 8 Tips for First-Time Home Sellers You’ve seen “For Sale” signs around your neighborhood, but what does it take to actually put your home on the market? First-time home sellers often enter the selling process unaware of what’s to come, their heads full of questions. Understanding the selling process will inform your conversations with your real estate agent and will help […]
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Selling Remodeling Projects to Avoid When Selling Your Home It’s common for homeowners to feel compelled to remodel their homes before they sell. Renovating the spaces in your home can increase its value and help you compete with comparable listings in your area. However, some remodeling projects are more beneficial than others as you prepare to sell your home. Always talk to your agent to determine […]
Selling How to Price Your Home for Sale It’s natural for sellers to want to get every step of the selling process right, but a successful home sale depends on an accurate listing price. Your agent will work closely with you to set the price, but in the meantime, you can use the following information to better understand what goes into this process. […]
Buying W Report – October 2022 Local market update. Shifts in the housing market are changing the narrative on local real estate conditions. In September, King County saw inventory increase and prices decrease month-over-month, but prices were still up compared to this time last year.Find our full market recap here. News + trends. [THE STATE OF] REAL ESTATE Despite the “Great […]
Buying W Report – September 2022 Local market update. The market is finally settling into a more balanced pattern, as price appreciation slows across King County. Reports of a bear market are exaggerated however, since last month’s slower pace is comparable to typical end-of-summer sales.Find our full market recap here. News + trends. [THE STATE OF] REAL ESTATE Rising rents reflect […]
Selling Remodel for the Most Resale Value Image Source: karamysh on Shutterstock What’s the best remodeling project for your home? The answer, in part, depends on where you live. Every year, Remodeling Magazine evaluates which projects bring the most return at resale in different markets around the country in their “Cost vs. Value” report.  For the purposes of this blog, we are […]
Selling Improve Your Curb Appeal with These Affordable Tips You’ll never have a second chance at a first impression, so let’s make it count! When it comes to upping your home’s curb appeal, there are plenty of small changes you can make that have a big impact. And best of all, you don’t need to call in the pros or spend a fortune to […]
Buying Five Things to Consider When Downsizing Downsizing is on the minds of many homeowners today. Some are ready to retire, others want to live more simply, and many want to save money and say goodbye to home maintenance.   If you can relate to any of those sentiments, ask yourself these five questions: Have you done the math? The financial savings […]
Buying British chaos means interest rates will stay low for longer FRANKFURT, Germany (AP) — Savers will suffer longer with zero returns on their accounts. Home buyers, companies and governments will keep on borrowing cheaply. And questions will grow further about whether central banks are creating bubbles in financial markets by keeping interest rates near or below zero. The British vote to leave the European Union […]
Buying Seattle housing: Is it a bubble? Single-family house values in Seattle shot up 10.8 percent year-over-year in March, the second highest in the nation after Portland, according to the latest S&P/Case-Shiller index. It’s a new record, surpassing the previous peak in the summer of 2007 — and we saw how that turned out. Nationally, the increase was 5.2 percent. Here, it’s […]
Living 6 Deck Renovations That Really Pay Off—and 1 That Doesn’t Charles Schmidt/iStock  If there’s one thing that unites this great country—especially once the weather starts getting warmer and barbecue season gets ever so tantalizingly closer—it is our passionate, even obsessive love for our outdoor decks. Truth be told, just about all of us desire a perch from which to survey our backyard (or rooftop) kingdom, lazily hang out, or […]
Buying Seattle metro-area home prices up nearly 10 percent in a year Seattle-area home prices surged in December, posting the fourth-highest annual gain among 20 metros, according to the S&P/Case-Shiller 20-city index released Tuesday. The average price of existing single-family homes sold in King, Snohomish and Pierce counties climbed 9.9 percent over the year in December, its fastest pace in 2015. In the 20-city index, Seattle trailed […]
Buying Lack of inventory “a game changer” for home buyers Depleted inventory is contributing to "overwhelming" traffic at open houses, shifts in strategies for both buyers and sellers, and escalating prices, according to officials with the Northwest Multiple Listing Service. Dick Beeson, a former chairman of the MLS board, said the lack of inventory in almost every county is, "without question, a 2016 game changer." […]